Manuscript information
- Resource type:
- Manuscript
- Collection:
- Vat.ebr.
- Shelfmark:
- Vat.ebr.285
- Library:
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Date:
- Late 15th-early 16th century
- Beginning date:
- 1476
- Ending date:
- 1525
- Support:
- Paper
- Height:
- 205
- Width:
- 150
- Extent:
- 239 ff.
- Date:
- late 15th-early 16th century
- Beginning date:
- 1476
- Ending date:
- 1525
- Collation:
- Quaternions and quinions
- Writing:
- Mostly Byzantine semi-cursive scripts
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Origin:
- <Byzantium>
- Provenance:
- Provenance: Palatine Library, Fugger collection, acquired from Elia Capsali from Candia.
Administrative information
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 211-215.
Parts of this manuscript
Commentary on Job, Lamentations, Esther and Ruth and [פירוש איוב, איכה, אסתר ורות לרש"י]
- Locus:
- 1r-30v
- Supplied title:
- Commentary on Job, Lamentations, Esther and Ruth and [פירוש איוב, איכה, אסתר ורות לרש"י]
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 211.
חיי עולם
אגרת חברה החכם הגדול המשורר הבדרשי אבנט אנבוט אברהם ז"ל הנקראת בחינת עולם
- Locus:
- 45r-53r
- Title:
- אגרת חברה החכם הגדול המשורר הבדרשי אבנט אנבוט אברהם ז"ל הנקראת בחינת עולם
- Supplied title:
- Beḥinat ʿolam
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 211.
Liturgical poems and prayers
ענין עשרה הרוגי מלכות
- Locus:
- 55r-60r
- Title:
- ענין עשרה הרוגי מלכות
- Supplied title:
- Version of Midrash Asarah Harugei Malkhut
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 211.
זה מעשה בית חשמונאי הנקרא ספר יהודית
- Locus:
- 60r-62r
- Title:
- זה מעשה בית חשמונאי הנקרא ספר יהודית
- Supplied title:
- Sefer Yehudit and Maʿaseh Yehudit
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 211-212.
Scroll of Antiochus and [מגילת אנטיוכוס]
הימים שאירעו צרות לישראל וקבעום רז"ל לפי המאורעות
- Locus:
- 64r-65r
- Title:
- הימים שאירעו צרות לישראל וקבעום רז"ל לפי המאורעות
- Supplied title:
- Megillat Taʻanit and Megillat Taʻanit Batra
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 212.
[אותיות של ר' עקיבא]
Short aggadot and midrashim
אלו הכ"ג מעשים מצאתים מסודרים במדרש עשרת הדברות
- Locus:
- 67r-79v
- Title:
- אלו הכ"ג מעשים מצאתים מסודרים במדרש עשרת הדברות
- Supplied title:
- Midrash ʿaśeret ha-dibrot
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 212.
עוד מצאתי כתו' בתחילת מדרש ויושע
- Locus:
- 79v-81v
- Title:
- עוד מצאתי כתו' בתחילת מדרש ויושע
- Supplied title:
- Extract from Midrash ṿa-yoshaʿ
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 212.
Tale about King Saul and two tales about King Solomon
אותיות ומשלות של בן סירא
- Locus:
- 84r-97r
- Title:
- אותיות ומשלות של בן סירא
- Supplied title:
- Alphabet of Ben Sira (version B)
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 212.
ענין הקזה
סדר רפפות
פתרונות חלומות
Notes on astrology and astronomy
Short redaction or adaptation of Sefer Ḥasidim and [ספר חסידים]
- Locus:
- 108v-127v
- Supplied title:
- Short redaction or adaptation of Sefer Ḥasidim and [ספר חסידים]
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 213.
תשובה הר' מאיר על עניין הזיווגים
- Locus:
- 127v-129r
- Title:
- תשובה הר' מאיר על עניין הזיווגים
- Supplied title:
- Responsum on talmudic teachings concerning pre-ordination of one's wife
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 213.
פרק הנדה
Midrash on conception and birth
- Locus:
- 130r-131v
- Supplied title:
- Midrash on conception and birth
- General note:
- Copied from TB Niddah 30b–31b with some changes in order.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 213.
ערך שנות האדם
פרק רבינו הקדוש
ליקוטים דברי' קצרי' ומעשי' אמרי אמת
- Locus:
- 135v-138r
- Title:
- ליקוטים דברי' קצרי' ומעשי' אמרי אמת
- Supplied title:
- Short extracts from midrashim, Talmud and works by the geonim and early rabbis
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 213-214.
בסוף מסכת גיטין רבי' ישעי' ז"ל
Extracts on halakhah, ethics, homilies, etc.
רמזים מחמש [!] חומשי תורה
- Locus:
- 143v-150r
- Title:
- רמזים מחמש [!] חומשי תורה
- Supplied title:
- Short explanations of verses in the Pentateuch
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 214.
גם אילו ליקוטים מספר חסידים
- Locus:
- 150r-152r
- Title:
- גם אילו ליקוטים מספר חסידים
- Supplied title:
- Additional extracts from Sefer Ḥasidim
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 214.
זה ספר דניאל איש חמודות אשר עשה בימי נבוכדנאצר
- Locus:
- 152r-156v
- Title:
- זה ספר דניאל איש חמודות אשר עשה בימי נבוכדנאצר
- Supplied title:
- Interpretations of dreams
- General note:
- Attributed to the biblical Daniel.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 214.
[פירוש התפילות]
- Locus:
- 160r-199v
- Title:
- [פירוש התפילות]
- Supplied title:
- Commentary on daily prayers
- General note:
- Based mainly on the commentary by Eliezer b. Nathan with interpolations from other sources.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 214.
Commentary on Mishnah Avot and [פירוש מסכת אבות]
- Locus:
- 200r-227r
- Supplied title:
- Commentary on Mishnah Avot and [פירוש מסכת אבות]
- General note:
- Based mainly on the commentary by Eliezer b. Nathan with interpolations from other sources.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 214.
Commentary on piyyutim for Passover and Sukkot and [פירוש פיוטים לפסח וסוכות]
- Locus:
- 227r-238r
- Supplied title:
- Commentary on piyyutim for Passover and Sukkot and [פירוש פיוטים לפסח וסוכות]
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 214-215.
Laws of marriage contracts (Ketubbot) and marriage (kiddushin) and דיני כתובות וקידושין
- Locus:
- 238r-239v
- Supplied title:
- Laws of marriage contracts (Ketubbot) and marriage (kiddushin) and דיני כתובות וקידושין
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 215.