Manuscript information
- Resource type:
- Manuscript
- Collection:
- Vat.ebr.
- Shelfmark:
- Vat.ebr.228
- Library:
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Date:
- Mid-late 15th century
- Beginning date:
- 1426
- Ending date:
- 1500
- Support:
- Paper
- Height:
- 212
- Width:
- 142
- Extent:
- 135 ff.
- Date:
- mid-late 15th century
- Beginning date:
- 1426
- Ending date:
- 1500
- Collation:
- Quaternion (I. III). Composition of quires cannot be determined (II).
- Writing:
- Byzantine semi-cursive scripts
- Watermarks:
- Watermarks similar to the type listed by Briquet no. 3668 dated 1454-1475 (I). Watermarks similar to Briquet nos. 2529 dated 1478 and 3763 dated 1453-1471 (II). Watermarks similar to Briquet no. 5157 dated 1456, but closer in size to no. 5154, and to no. 5222 dated 1460-1487 (III).
- General note:
- Three different manuscripts bound together: I (ff. 1-8). II (ff. 9-28). III (ff. 29-135).
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Origin:
- <Byzantium>
Administrative information
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 163-165.
Parts of this manuscript
אלה הסודות מפרה אדומה מסר לי מרינו ורבינו האשל הגדול כ"ר אליקים יצ"ו הלוי בכה"ר
- Overview:
- Manuscript II (ff. 9-28)
- Locus:
- 21r-25v
- Title:
- אלה הסודות מפרה אדומה מסר לי מרינו ורבינו האשל הגדול כ"ר אליקים יצ"ו הלוי בכה"ר
- Supplied title:
- Kabbalistic secrets concerning the red heifer
- General note:
- Related by Eliakim ha-Levi
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 164.
Florid phrases for use in letters
- Overview:
- Manuscript I (ff. 1-8)
- Locus:
- 1r-4r
- Supplied title:
- Florid phrases for use in letters
- Summary:
- Florid phrases for use in letters with "piyyut" and other verses
- General note:
- Includes a "piyyut" beginning: אין כמוך ה' אלהי האלהים באלהים with the acrostic Elkanah Capsali and several other verses with the acrostics Elkanah and Elijah [Capsali?].
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 163.
Short extracts on Kabbalah, homilies, novellae
- Overview:
- Manuscript II (ff. 9-28)
- Locus:
- 9v-18v
- Supplied title:
- Short extracts on Kabbalah, homilies, novellae
- General note:
- Among them "notarikon" and abbreviations
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 164.
אלפא ביתא דר' עקיבה ריש מתיבתא
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 29v-44r
- Title:
- אלפא ביתא דר' עקיבה ריש מתיבתא
- Supplied title:
- Otiyyot de-Rabbi Akiva
- Uniform title:
- Otiyot de-Rabi Aḳiva
- General note:
- A mystical alphabet attributed to Rabbi Akiva., Includes the text printed in "Ozar Midrashim", as Version B (ff. 29v-38r) followed by Version A. (ff. 38r-44r)., and Incomplete. Ends at the beginning of the letter "bet" in Version A.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 164.
[היכלות] and Hekhalot
היכלות דר' ישמעאל שראה כשעלה למרום ומעשה מרכבה
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 69v-88v
- Title:
- היכלות דר' ישמעאל שראה כשעלה למרום ומעשה מרכבה
- Supplied title:
- Hekhalot Rabbati
- Uniform title:
- Hekhalot rabati
- General note:
- In three chapters. In some manuscripts the entire text is called "Hekhalot Rabbati". In this manuscript and a few others only the first 26 chapters (divided in this manuscript into three sections called בבות or עסקאות) are so titled (ff. 69v-85r) and the last part is called שר תורה "Sar Torah" or שר של תורה "Sar shel Torah". On the division of the chapters cf. P. Schäfer, בעיית הזהות העריכתית של ספר "היכלות רבתי" "Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought", vi (1987), p. 5. and Some additions in the margins by a later hand
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 164.
פרק ר' נחוניה בן הקנה שלמד לרבי ישמעאל
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 88v-89v
- Title:
- פרק ר' נחוניה בן הקנה שלמד לרבי ישמעאל
- Supplied title:
- Perek Rabbi Neḥunya ben ha-Kanah
- Incipit text:
- מי ימלל גבורות ה' ומי יוכל לתנות שבחו של מלך מלכי המלכים
- General note:
- Another text from the Hekhalot literature
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 164.
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 90v
- Title:
- מהיכלות
- Incipit text:
- מהיכלות. א"ר ישמעאל אמ' לי הדר מרום בבקשה ממך אמור להם לישראל
- General note:
- A chapter from the Hekhalot literature by a different hand
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 164.
[הבדלה דר' עקיבא] and Havdalah de Rabbi Akiva
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 93r-98v
- Supplied title:
- [הבדלה דר' עקיבא] and Havdalah de Rabbi Akiva
- Incipit text:
- טובה הרחיצה מאד
- General note:
- Mystical-magical text added to the "havdalah" service at the end of the Sabbath. and Beginning missing. Lacks paragraphs v and xv. Arranged in a different order from other manuscripts.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 164-165.
[פירוש ההבדלה דר' עקיבא] and Commentary on Havdalah de Rabbi Akiva
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 98v-103r
- Supplied title:
- [פירוש ההבדלה דר' עקיבא] and Commentary on Havdalah de Rabbi Akiva
- Incipit text:
- ברוך הנותן ליריאיו מחכמתו וחלק להם מתבונתו
- General note:
- According to J. Dan, תורת הסוד של חסידות אשכנז (Jerusalem 1968), p. 65, the author is Eleazar of Worms.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 165.
פירוש של אדרת
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 105r-112r
- Title:
- פירוש של אדרת
- Supplied title:
- Commentary on the piyyut האדרת והאמונה
- General note:
- Attributed in this manuscript to Eleazar of Worms עד כאן קבלה מפי מורינו ורבינו רבי אליעזר מגרמישא (f. 112r). and According to J. Dan, פירושי "האדרת והאמונה" של חסידי אשכנז "Tarbiẓ", l (1981), pp. 396-404, the work was composed in the milieu of the Ashkenazic Ḥasidim and not necessarily by Eleazar of Worms himself.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 165.
Kabbalistic commentary on the Passover Haggadah
- Overview:
- Manuscript III (ff. 29-135)
- Locus:
- 113v-135r
- Supplied title:
- Kabbalistic commentary on the Passover Haggadah
- Explicit text:
- נשלם פירוש ההגדה על דרך הקבלה שעשה רשב"א [!] זצו"ל
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 165.