Manuscript information
- Resource type:
- Manuscript
- Collection:
- Vat.ebr.
- Shelfmark:
- Vat.ebr.224
- Library:
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Date:
- Mid-15th century
- Beginning date:
- 1426
- Ending date:
- 1475
- Support:
- Paper
- Height:
- 210
- Width:
- 142
- Extent:
- 128 ff.
- Date:
- mid-15th century
- Beginning date:
- 1426
- Ending date:
- 1475
- Collation:
- Quaternions
- Writing:
- Ashkenazic semi-cursive script
- Watermarks:
- Watermarks similar to Briquet no. 2446 dated 1443
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Origin:
- <Ashkenaz>
- Provenance:
- Fuggeriana ebr. 112
- History:
- On f. 63v a note in the margin signed נ"ל אב"י הלוי.
Administrative information
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 161-162.
Parts of this manuscript
[(פירוש מערכת האלהות (פ"ז] and Commentary on Maʿarekhet ha-Elohut
- Locus:
- 1r-63v
- Supplied title:
- [(פירוש מערכת האלהות (פ"ז] and Commentary on Maʿarekhet ha-Elohut
- General note:
- Cf. MS Vat. ebr. 215.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 161.
Extracts on Kabbalah
- Locus:
- 63v-64v
- Supplied title:
- Extracts on Kabbalah
- Uniform title:
- Sefer ha-peliʾah
- General note:
- Extracts on Kabbalah. Includes סוד הקדיש the secret of the "kaddish" according to the ten Sefirot, charms, an extract from "Sefer Peliah", שמירת הדרך אשר מצא הרמב"ן ז"ל בעכו בפי' ספר היצירה אשר פירשה ר' שמו' בן חפני ז"ל a charm for safe travel attributed to Moses b. Naḥman who discovered it in Acre in a commentary on "Sefer Yeẓirah" by Samuel b. Ḥofni and charms for “opening the heart” לפתיחת הלב and for one in danger of drowning לטובע בים.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 161.
'הפירושי' שאמ' הרב לר' יצחק ור' יצחק כתב אות' כדי שלא ישכח אות
- Locus:
- 65r-77v
- Title:
- 'הפירושי' שאמ' הרב לר' יצחק ור' יצחק כתב אות' כדי שלא ישכח אות
- Supplied title:
- Commentary on Maʿarekhet ha-Elohut
- General note:
- Cf. E. Gottlieb, "לזהותו של מחבר הפירוש האנונימי לספר "מערכת האלהות "Meh. karim", pp. 363-364.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 161.
מעשה תורה שנאמ' על ידי רבינו הקדוש ז"ל
- Locus:
- 78r-87v
- Title:
- מעשה תורה שנאמ' על ידי רבינו הקדוש ז"ל
- Supplied title:
- Maʿaseh Torah
- Incipit text:
- 'שלשה פעמי' בכל יום הכרוז יוצא ואומ
- General note:
- Midrash attributed to Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi presenting lists of ethical sayings arranged by numbers (“three things”, “four things”, etc.). The scribe copied only numbers three to ten.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 161-162.
[פירוש ספר יצירה] and Commentary on Sefer Yeẓirah
- Locus:
- 89r-120v
- Supplied title:
- [פירוש ספר יצירה] and Commentary on Sefer Yeẓirah
- Incipit text:
- ישתבח ויתפאר ויתעלה שמו של מלך מלכי המלכים
- General note:
- Mentions R. Ezra קבלת החכם ר' עזרא (f. 96r). and Copied in several other manuscripts.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 162.
[פירוש עשר ספירות] and Commentary on the ten Sefirot
- Locus:
- 121r-128r
- Supplied title:
- [פירוש עשר ספירות] and Commentary on the ten Sefirot
- Incipit text:
- כלל גדול אודיעך בענין עשר ספירות
- Explicit text:
- תם פי' האילן
- General note:
- Cf. G. Scholem, מפתח לפירושים על עשר ספירות "KS", x (1933/4), p. 504, no. 48.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 162.