Manuscript information
- Resource type:
- Manuscript
- Collection:
- Vat.ebr.
- Shelfmark:
- Vat.ebr.208
- Library:
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Date:
- 15th century
- Beginning date:
- 1401
- Ending date:
- 1500
- Support:
- Paper
- Height:
- 210
- Width:
- 157
- Extent:
- 332 ff.
- Date:
- 15th century
- Beginning date:
- 1401
- Ending date:
- 1500
- Collation:
- The original quire probably consisted of ff. 5-13 and the other folios were originally blank; quaternions (I). Quaternions (II)
- Writing:
- Byzantine semi-cursive script (I). Ashkenazic semi-cursive script (II)
- General note:
- I (ff. 1-19). II (ff. 20-325 followed by ff. 326-332, a blank quire made of different paper)
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Origin:
- <Byzantium> (I). <Ashkenaz> (II)
- Provenance:
- Palatine collection, Fondo Fuggeriana ebr. 45
Administrative information
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), pp. 146-147.
Parts of this manuscript
שאלות ותשובות על עשרה ספירות הנעלמות
- Overview:
- Part I (ff. 1-19)
- Locus:
- 5v-13r
- Title:
- שאלות ותשובות על עשרה ספירות הנעלמות
- Supplied title:
- Shaʿar ha-Shoʾel on the ten Sefirot
- General note:
- With variant readings in the margins. and Cf. G. Scholem, מפתח לפירושים על עשר ספירות "KS", x (1933/34), p. 500, no. 9.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 146.
'מדרש שיר השירי
- Overview:
- Part I (ff. 1-19)
- Locus:
- 1r-2r
- Title:
- 'מדרש שיר השירי
- Supplied title:
- Midrash Song of Songs Rabbah,, On charity,, and Extracts from the Zohar.
- Uniform title:
- Midrash rabbah. Shir ha-shirim and Zohar
- Summary:
- Jottings and various extracts.
- General note:
- At the beginning of the manuscript, in various hands, some jottings headed 'מדרש שיר השירי including a few lines from "Midrash Song of Songs Rabbah" vii:1 (f. 1r) and a short piece on charity (צדקה) with extracts from the "Zohar" (f. 2r).
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 146.
[ספר הזוהר] and Parts of the Zohar
- Overview:
- Part II (ff. 20-325)
- Locus:
- 20r-325v
- Supplied title:
- [ספר הזוהר] and Parts of the Zohar
- Uniform title:
- Zohar, Zohar Ḥadash, and Tikkunei Zohar
- General note:
- Ff. 20r-140r, 163r-177r: Most of "Tikkunei Zohar" with variants from the editions and some parts that were not included in the editions. Ff. 149r-152v: Parts of "Zohar Ḥadash" on pericope "Bereshit" (Margaliot edition ff. 6b-9b) and addenda (edn. ff. 256-262); ff. 156r-164r: extracts from סתרי תורה on pericope "Lekh Lekha" and short extracts from "Va-Yera" and "Va-Yeẓe"; ff. 180r-190v: "Zohar" on "Bereshit" (edn. ff. 29-38); ff. 196v-203v: "Zohar" on "Lekh Lekha" (edn. ff. 89-96); ff. 203v-211r and 213r-214v: "Midrash Ha-Neʿelam" on "Va-Yera" (edn. ff. 97r-107r); ff. 211r-213r and 214r-223r: extracts from "Midrash Ha-Neʿelam" and "Raʿaya Meheimna" on "Ḥayyei Sarah" and "Toledot" (edn. ff. 121a-130a and 134a-140a). The continuation includes mainly extracts from the "Zohar": ff. 224v-229r: "Va-Yishlaḥ" (edn. ff. 165b-173b); ff. 229r-235v: "Va-Yeḥi" (edn. ff. 216a-223a); ff. 235v-239v: "Bo" (edn. ff. 36b-39b); ff. 239v-271r: "Be-Shalaḥ" (edn. ff. 44a-67a); ff. 275r-280v: "Terumah" including an extract from "Sifra De-Ẓeniyuta" (edn. ff. 174a-179a); ff. 280v-306v: "Va-Yakhel" (edn. ff. 194b-219b); ff. 306v-315r: "Shemini" in a different order from the edition (ff. 35b-42b); ff. 315r-319r: "Emor" (edn. ff. 88b-94b) with an extract from "Va-Era" (edn. f. 32) on ff. 319r-320r. On. F. 321r extracts from "Tazriʿa" (edn. ff. 47-50) and on ff. 321v-325v from "Va-Yelekh" (edn. ff. 283a-284a). and With variant readings and additions in the margins.
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 147.