Manuscript information
- Resource type:
- Manuscript
- Collection:
- Vat.ebr.
- Shelfmark:
- Vat.ebr.199
- Library:
- Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Date:
- ca. 1400
- Support:
- Paper
- Height:
- 286
- Width:
- 215
- Extent:
- 357 ff.
- Date:
- ca. 1400
- Collation:
- Eight-bifolia quires
- Writing:
- Byzantine semi-cursive script
- Watermarks:
- One of the watermarks is similar to Briquet no. 5220 dated 1414, which, according to the additions in the Amsterdam edition, is already found in a document dated 1387
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Origin:
- <Byzantium>
- Provenance:
- Palatine collection, Fondo Fuggeriana ebr. 60
- History:
- On f. 1r a note on the acquisition of the manuscript by Fugger: "1542. primo maii septem [corrected to sex] libros hoc signo eodem ducatis sex".
Administrative information
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 139.
Parts of this manuscript
[(ספר הזוהר (ויקרא] and Extracts from the Zohar
- Locus:
- 1r-357v
- Supplied title:
- [(ספר הזוהר (ויקרא] and Extracts from the Zohar
- Summary:
- Extracts from the Zohar with additional extracts.
- General note:
- Includes mainly Zohar on Leviticus interspersed with extracts on other parts of the Pentateuch. The extracts on pericopes "Va-Yikra", "Shemini", "Aḥarei Mot" and "Kedoshim" and some other parts were copied out of order and dispersed throughout the manuscript. Includes a few extracts from pericope "Va-Yeḥi" from Genesis (ff. 207r-209v), and from pericopes from Exodus: "Bo" (ff. 248r-254r), "Be-Shalaḥ" (ff. 223v-247v) and "Terumah" (ff. 254r-258v) and Zohar on Numbers until pericope "Pinḥas" (ff. 254r-343v)., On f. 182 (a folio from another manuscript bound with this codex) another hand added extracts on Kabbalah including סוד הקרבן., and On ff. 351v-356v: additional extracts, among them on "tefillin" ענין התפילין (f. 356v), a piece on the hidden lights and the Sefirot (ff. 352v-353r) beginning סבה ראשונה מהיצורים הגנוזה ברא שני מדרגות (cf. G. Scholem, ראשית הקבלה, Jerusalem 1948, p. 261, no. 27), an extract on benedictions and on a separate folio (f. 357) a fragment froma liturgy ("tokheḥah").
- Language:
- Hebrew.
- Alphabet:
- Hebrew.
- Source of information:
- B. Richler, M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, Città del Vaticano 2008 (Studi e testi 438), p. 139.