Vatican Palimpsests Digital Recovery of Erased Identities [by A. Németh] <inf.>

This manuscript is a Psalticon, a manual of the main cantor, the psaltes. It includes a collection of important hymns and melodies described in Byzantine musical notation which the main cantor chanted during the liturgy in the Orthodox Church. The manuscript was copied in the 13th century and consists entirely of recycled folios that all derive from the same manuscript. This manuscript was a large collection of homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus from the 9th century and copied in Sloping Ogival Majuscule and in two columns on folios of large size. The larger folios of this Homiliary were cut in halves and then folded into half to make the bifolios of this new codex (e.g. ff. 40v + 33r).

Vat. gr. 345, ff. 36v + 37r + 40v + 33r

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Vat. gr. 345, f. 33r and Vat. gr. 749, pt. 1, f. 3r. Sloping Ogival Majuscule

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