Pal. lat. 24 includes several Biblical books of the Old Testament (Tobias, Judith, Job, Esther). It was initially copied in Uncial script, written in 22 long lines per page in the seventh or eighth century. The writing surface of this original manuscript seems to have been entirely made up of nine recycled Latin manuscripts and a Greek one, ranging from the fourth to the sixth century. Soon after its production (eighth century), probably already at Lorsch, this manuscript was restored and its missing texts were copied on brand-new parchment folios (ff. 1-8, 17-37, 54-71) by another Uncial hand. The long lines vary from 17-21 per page, and each page currently measures 110 × 85 mm. It found its way to the Palatine Library at Heidelberg whence it arrived to the Vatican Library in 1623.
In the seventh or eighth century, forty-four folios of an ancient codex were folded in half to become recycled bifolios for the current manuscript, Pal. lat. 24. Each of the original pages of the recycled manuscript (195 x 150 mm) included two columns and 13 lines with Gellius’ Attic Nights (Noctes Atticae) copied in capitalis rustica in the fourth century. The text was copied in quires of five bifolios. The ancient Gellius codex show an interesting and rare feature: the first and the last page of each quire is left blank. The identical practice is followed in Reg. lat. 2077. The scribe’s undersigning (ff. 173v + 172r) reads ‘Cotta wrote it’ (COTTA SCRIBIT).
Pal. lat. 24, f. 121v and Vat. lat. 3867, f. 134r. Capitalis rustica
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