Latin Classics The Evolution and Transmission of Texts of Specific Works [by M. Buonocore]

Maestro del Messale Orsini, sec. XV med


An anonymous artist who was named after the sumptuous Missal kept in the Vatican Apostolic Library (ms. Arch. Cap. S. Pietro. B. 66) and made for Card. Giordano Orsini. There is no information about the artist and Massimo Medica was the first to identify this figure, after having recognized in the illustrative apparatus of the Messale the same hand of the Bolognese miniaturist who had created the frontispiece of the Statuti e Matricole della Compagnia dell’Ospedale di San Bartolomeo (Bologna, Archivio di Stato, ms. San Bartolomeo 1). The miniaturist is one of the most significant exponents of the late twentieth-century culture of Emilia and was influenced by the style of the Maestro delle Iniziali di Bruxelles (Los Angeles, The John Paul Getty Museum, ms. 34) especially in the decorative ostentation and vividness of the color range used.

MEDICA, Maestro del Messale Orsini, pp. 632-633; MEDICA, Per una storia della miniatura a Bologna, pp. 185-186, 216-219.

General Bibliography

Arch. Cap. S. Pietro. B. 66, f. 7r - Arch. Cap. S. Pietro. H. 15, f. 2r

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