The Library of a 'Humanist Prince' Federico da Montefeltro and His Manuscripts [by M.G. Critelli]

Sigismondo di Nicolò Alemanno

f. 1462-1475

A scribe who was active in Rimini from at least 1462 to 1470. Son of a German tailor but perhaps born in the city of Romagna, Alemanno was a famulus of Roberto Valturio, as he worked in his service and collaborated with the propagation of the treaty De re militari. Later he became a priest and rector of the church of S. Gregorio di Rimini, perhaps thanks to the help of his lord. He is remembered in both testaments, dated 1475, of Valturio as the beneficiary of a legate (see Campana, Due note su Roberto Valturio, pp. 411-417; in particular, pp. 415-416 for the hypothesis on his birth in Italy). In addition to Urb. lat. 281, the oldest codex undersigned by Sigismund («Sigismundi Nicolai Alamanii hoc manu quanta valuit diligentia scriptum opus et praesentibus posterisque demandatum. Anno Christi et Salvatoris nostri m° cccclxii et v Idus Maii», f. 231r), three copies of the De re militari bear his signature. These include Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. lat. 7236 dated 1463, Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, ms. lat. VIII 29, dated 1466, and Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, ms. 150 sup., dated 1470, and they always bear the same solemnly literary formula - with the exception of some minor differences - which sounds like a sphragis of the scribe’s graphic commitment and marks the start of a “serial” production of the text and of its distribution within the main European courts (those of Louis XI of France, Matthias Corvinus, Lorenzo the Magnificent, Malatesta Novello, see Massera, Roberto Valturio, p. 39; Frioli, Per la tradizione manoscritta, p. 71). Four other copies may also be attributed to his hand (Cesena, Biblioteca Malatestiana, ms. S.XXI.1; Oxford, Bodleian Library, ms. Laud. Lat. 116; Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, ms. Pl. 46,3; Parigi, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. lat. 7237, a manuscript that includes the hand of another scribe, Pietro da Utrecht, who also worked for Federico da Montefeltro (see Frioli, Per la tradizione manoscritta, pp. 71-77).

BÉNÉDICTINS DU BOUVERET, Colophons de manuscrits occidentaux, V, p. 303, nrr. 17108-17109; DEROLEZ, La codicologie des manuscrits, I, pp. 160-161 nr. 382; DE LA MARE, New research, p. 463; EAD., Lo scriptorium di Malatesta Novello, p. 54 e p. 65 ntt. 85 e 87; FRIOLI, Per la tradizione manoscritta, pp. 69-93; MASSERA, Roberto Valturio, p. 39; CAMPANA, Due note su Roberto Valturio, pp. 411-417.

Urb. lat. 281, ff. 1r, 231r

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