The Library of a 'Humanist Prince' Federico da Montefeltro and His Manuscripts [by M.G. Critelli]


In Federico's library there were also manuscripts not directly patronized by the lord of Urbino, either having been given as a gift or purchased by a previous owner. Among these there is a copy of Roberto Valturio’s De re militari, Urb. lat. 281, written by a “famulus” of the same author, Sigismondo di Niccolò Alemanno, a scribe active in Rimini from at least 1462 to 1470, who made several copies of that text and contributed to its diffusion. Anonymous instead is the scribe of Urb. lat. 248, a Galen from the 14th century donated to Federico in 1475.

Urb. lat. 281, 144v-145r

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Among the manuscripts in our pathway we may point out two other cases: 'Urb. lat. 264, a Paduan manuscript containing De re edificatoria of Leon Battista Alberti, and made for Federico, as evidenced on f. 1r by the Montefeltro eagle that holds the ducal coat of arms and has a majestic aspect. The hand was initially attributed to Pietro Antonio Sallando, active in Bologna from around 1489 to about 1540, and subsequently to Antonius de Salla, a scribe documented to have been in Padua between 1489 and 1496. The other case is Urb. lat. 410 in which “Franciscus Tholentinas”, who undersigns at the end of the manuscript, seems to identifiable with the nephew of Francesco Filelfo, who was active between 1464 and 1470 in the setting of the court in Milan and involved in the production of idiographic manuscripts on behalf of the humanist.

Urb. lat. 264, f. 3v - Urb. lat. 410, f. 7r

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