A scribe active in Florence in the 1460s and 1470s, who perhaps was ultramontane. Between 1462 and 1465 he worked for Vespasiano da Bisticci, for whom he copied many of the Fiesolani manuscripts. Albinia de la Mare recognizes his hand in 42 manuscripts, two of which are undersigned (Fies. 19 «Hubertus» and Fies. 27 with the initials «H.W.»); among the collection are also 7 Urbinati manuscripts (Urb. lat. 36, Urb. lat. 52, Urb. lat. 79, Urb. lat. 184, Urb. lat. 322, Urb. lat. 400, Urb. lat. 449). De la Mare also attributes to his hand the addition of the images in Urb. lat. 881, copied by Sinibaldus C.
DEROLEZ, La codicologie des manuscrits, I, p. 140 nr. 156; DE LA MARE, New research, pp. 459-460, 504-505 nr. 32; EAD., Vespasiano da Bisticci, p. 94 and ntt. 69-70; EAD., Vespasiano da Bisticci as Producer, p. 192 nt. 82.
Urb. lat. 52, f. 2r
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