The Library of a 'Humanist Prince' Federico da Montefeltro and His Manuscripts [by M.G. Critelli]


XV cent.

An active scribe in Florence, probably from about 1460 to 1470 (Derolez, La codicologie des manuscrits, I, p. 158 nr. 359). Albinia De la Mare recognizes his hand in 8 manuscripts, including two Urbinati, Urb. lat. 65 (not undersigned) and Urb. lat. 250 («Φ.H.», f. 204r). He also used other letters of the Greek alphabet in the colophons, such as «Φ.H.B.», «Φ.H.S.» o «Φ.B.H.» (De la Mare, New research, p. 526 nr. 58). The Florentine codex Banco Rari 48 is also attributed to his hand (Miriello - Russo, Il copista del Banco Rari 48, pp. 118-119).

DE LA MARE, New research, p. 526 nr. 58; DEROLEZ, La codicologie des manuscrits, I, p. 158 nr. 359; MIRIELLO - RUSSO, Il copista del Banco Rari 48, pp. 118-119.

Urb. lat. 250, ff. 2r, 204r

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