The Library of a 'Humanist Prince' Federico da Montefeltro and His Manuscripts [by M.G. Critelli]


The emblem of the upside-down and exploding bombard or grenade is linked to the image of Federico as a man of arms and to the military capabilities of the lord of Urbino, who was trained by one of the most important leaders of the XV century, Niccolò Piccinino. The lord of Urbino was in charge of one of the most powerful and modern armies of the time, proficient in the use of the latest military techniques and disposed to use them. Federico was among the first to use the artillery on a massive scale and the grenade is a modern war tool, a symbol of military value.

According to the generally accepted interpretation of Nardini, it would illustrate the concept of pax armata used by Aristotle (Politica, VII, 14) or to a defensive war policy, necessary in order to protect order and peace. The bombard explodes only if triggered and at the appointed time (see Nardini, Le imprese, p. 12). It is sometimes accompanied by the motto ardet ut feriat, referring to the violence of the explosion, which destroys what it finds. The bombard is also depicted in different rooms of the Ducal Palace, including the Alcova and the Studiolo (see Cheles, Lo Studiolo di Urbino, pp. 74, 78; Raggio, Lo Studiolo, p. 120, figg. 5-71 e 5-74).

Urb. lat. 52, f. 2r - Urb. lat. 185, f. 49v

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Urb. lat. 151, f. 5v - Urb. lat. 328, f. 1r

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