Born in 1443, by 1461 he was already working as a scribe in Florence; in 1469 he was hired by the Aragonese court, he returned to Florence in 1476 and in the following year he moved to Naples, where he lived until 1481. He worked for illustrious clients such as Card. Giovanni of Aragon, Matthias Corvinus, Lorenzo de’ Medici. He undersigned 35 manuscripts, 24 of which are dated between 1468 and 1499 (two have been lost); Urb. lat. 666 represents an Urbinate codex that is both dated and undersigned («Antonius Sinibaldus Florentinus transcripsit Florentiae anno Christi 1481 20 No(vembris)», f. 196v), while Urb. lat. 681 is included among those that are undersigned but not dated («Antonius Francisci Sinibaldi q(uam) pulcrioribus potuit literis has chartas exaravit», f. 190r). Albinia de la Mare states that the latter corresponds to his first period of activity (1468-1469) and that other manuscripts, perhaps even more than 20, can be attributed to him on a paleographic basis, including Urb. lat. 464.
DE MARINIS, La biblioteca napoletana dei re d’Aragona, I, pp. 52-55; CSAPODI-GÁRDONYI, Les scripteurs, p. 30; BÉNÉDICTINS DU BOUVERET, Colophons de manuscrits occidentaux, I, pp. 153-156 nrr. 1223-1227, 1229-1254; DEROLEZ, La codicologie des manuscrits, I, p. 128 nr. 46; DE LA MARE, New research, pp. 484-487 nr. 6; EAD., Vespasiano da Bisticci as Producer, p. 181-182 nt. 51.
Urb. lat. 681, f. 190r - Urb. lat. 666, f. 196v
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