The Library of a 'Humanist Prince' Federico da Montefeltro and His Manuscripts [by M.G. Critelli]

Aharon b. Gabriel

fl. 1469-1473

A scribe who is only identifiable thanks to the signature included in the colophon ofUrb. lat. 9 (f. 192v): «I, Aaron the scribe, the son of our master the rabbi, Messer Gabriel, wrote this book for our client, the great prince of Urbino, - may the Lord have mercy on it. I finished it - as per request - on the fourth day of April of the year [5]233 here in the city of Florence. Strength and courage! So may it please the Lord».

The colophon is preceded by a couplet (an acrostic): «If the work is done sufficiently well, it is as if it were complete; may the Lord inspire me with strength; may God Almighty strengthen me» (the English of these two quotations are based on the Italian translation by Delio V. Proverbio, scriptor Orientalis of the Vatican Library). The acrostic is also found in another manuscript, now owned by the Jewish Community of Wrocław and kept at the University Library of the same city with shelfmark F 47406 (34), accompanied by the signature of a young Aaron son of Gabriel from Strasbourg who, on f. 2v, undersigns a legal document (a customary butchery permit) along with three other witnesses dated 1469.

STORNAJOLO, Cod. Urb. lat. 1-500, p. 16; CASSUTO, Gli Ebrei a Firenze, p. 189 and nr. 6; FREIMANN, Jewish Scribes, p. 247; BÉNÉDICTINS DU BOUVERET, Colophons de manuscrits occidentaux, I, p. 5 nr. 41; Catalogue of the hebrew manuscripts, pp. 3-4 nr. 4; BEIT-ARIÉ, Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library, p. 638.

Urb. lat. 9, ff. 1r, 192v

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Urb. lat. 9, f. 192v - Biblioteca Universitaria di Wrocław, ms. F 47406 (34), f. 2v