Vatican Palimpsests Digital Recovery of Erased Identities [by A. Németh] <inf.>

This manuscript preserves several sections of Symeon Metaphrastes’ vast collection of the Saints' Lives (Menologion), arranged according to their feast days in the orthodox liturgical calendar. The first part of the manuscript (ff. 1r-197v) contains the Saints' Lives for October, the second part (ff. 198r-231v), the Martyrdom of Saint Artemius, the third section (ff. 232r-242v), the Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria whose feast day was in late November.

The manuscript concludes with a section from the December volume of the Menologion. This last section recycles a few folios from a Lectionary (ff. 260 + 125, 262 + 263, 268 + 269, 270) that had contained readings of the Gospels. This manuscript which was erased had been copied in Biblical Majuscule in the eighth century. At the beginning of the volume, there is also an index of the various Saints’ Lives (f. IIr-v) in the 16th century.

Vat. gr. 802, f. 270v

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Vat. gr. 802, f. 270v and Barb. gr. 336, f. 47v. Biblical Majuscule

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