The bulk of this manuscript (ff. 3r-105v) contains liturgical readings from the Old Testament for the period that preceded Easter Sunday (Prophetologion). As recounted in the undersigning of its scribe (f. 106r), this section was completed in 1279/80 by the monk Makarios, patronized by a certain Blaise from the Monastery of Grottaferrata, close to Rome. This is the section which was entirely copied on recycled folios from a ninth-century codex that was copied in Sloping Ogival Majuscule. The surviving sections contain fragments of the dialogue between Timothy, a Christian and Aquila, a Jew situated in Alexandria during Cyril's episcopacy (412-444) and fragments from other hagiographical texts. The selected and annotated page (f. 58v) contains a fragment of the Life of St. John the Merciful (BHG 886), the Chalcedonian Patriarch of Alexandria in the early seventh century, attributed to Leontius of Naples. At the front of the volume, a bifolio was inserted (ff. 1-2) with verses and melodies presented in the form of musical notations. The manuscript arrived at the Vatican Library from the Monastery of Grottaferrata and is closely linked to another manuscript here (Crypt. A.δ.VI [gr. 389]).
Vat. gr. 770, f. 58v
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Vat. gr. 770, f. 58v and Vat. gr. 749, pt. 1, f. 3r. Sloping Ogival Majuscule
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