Vatican Palimpsests Digital Recovery of Erased Identities [by A. Németh] <inf.1>

Urb. gr. 154 includes the Schedographia of the Byzantine Grammarian, Manuel Moschopoulos. In this work, the Byzantine author presents educational exercises drawn from Biblical and Homeric topics for grammatical analysis. George Baiophoros, the scribe, used several recycled manuscripts in his prolific scribal activity in Constantinople in the early fifteenth century. The Vatican Library has several manuscripts that were copied or annotated by Baiophoros, some of which include recycled manuscripts (Vat. gr. 19, Vat. gr. 21, Vat. gr. 157). This manuscript found its way to the Library of Urbino whence it arrived to the Vatican Library in 1657.

Iohannes Chrysostomus, Homiliae

George Baiophoros used a recycled manuscript that contained various homilies (CPG 4417, 4318) by John Chrysostom to serve as protective flyleaves (ff. a-d) and writing surface for part of Urb. gr. 154 (ff. 89-92, 129-131) at Prodromos Monastery, Constantinople in 1423. The original manuscript of the recycled folios was copied in the eleventh century in two columns in Perlschrift. The recycled folios were folded in halves when they were recycled for Urb. gr. 154.

Urb. gr. 154, ff. cr + bv

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Urb. gr. 154, f. cr and Vat. gr. 1613, p. 6. Perlschrift

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