Latin Classics The Evolution and Transmission of Texts of Specific Works [by M. Buonocore]

Péronet Lamy, f. 1432-1453

The debut of the miniaturist opens with the decoration of the manuscript containing the Apocalypse for Amedeo VIII, for which he collaborates with Jean Bapteur, as attested by the accounts of the Savoy treasury of 1432 (El Escorial, Bibliotheca Laurentina, ms. E. Vitt. 5). In addition to numerous liturgical manuscripts often destined for the ducal family, such as the Messali for Felix V (Turin, Biblioteca Reale, ms. Var. 168, Turin, Archivio di Stato, ms. j.b. II. 6), Lamy was also engaged with the decoration of a frontispiece with the Orations of Cicero (Ginevra, Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire, ms. Lat. 101).

In addition to the important role he played in the Savoy court, during the years of the Council of Basel, the miniaturist dedicates himself to the illustrative apparatus of two manuscripts with the Notitia Dignitatum Imperii Romani (Oxford, Bodleian Library, ms. Can Misc. 378; Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, latin 9661), which figure as the copies of a lost codex from the Carolingian period that was found in Speyer in 1436. The first apparently follows the model slavishly and belonged to bishop Pietro Donato di Padova, while the second belonged to Pier Candido Decembrio. There is also a copy of Terence's Comedies dating from the same year (ms. Ott. lat. 1368). Some books of hours illuminated by the artist have also been identified and can be dated to the mid-fifteenth century, such as the first miniature (f.13r) that appears in the codex with the Hours of Salluzzo (London, BL, ms. Add. 27697), later repainted by Antoine de Lonhy, who was responsible for the entire illustrative apparatus of the manuscript.

AVEZZA, Péronet Lamy, pp. 367-368; AVRIL, Péronet Lamy, pp. 204-208.

Oxford, Bodleian Library, ms. Can Misc. 378, f. 78r

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