The Library of a 'Humanist Prince' Federico da Montefeltro and His Manuscripts [by M.G. Critelli]

Francesco da Tolentino

f. 1464-1470

Active in the years between 1464 and 1470 in the setting of the court of Milan, this scribe was involved in the production of idiographic manuscripts on behalf of his uncle Francesco Filelfo. The signature «Franciscus Tholentinas» at the end of the rubricated note on f. 207r of Urb. lat. 410 may be traced back to him, also on the basis of a payment order dated July 22, 1470, sent by Federico da Montefeltro to Camillo de Barzi, his ambassador to Milan, in which the count of Urbino asks to pay Filelfo: «Et più volemo ancora donare a Francesco da Tolentino nepote del Philelfo che ce ha scripta quella pedia che ha facta el Philelfo et certi altri quinterni de una certa orazione, f[iorini] dodece d’oro» (edito in De Keyser, I codici filelfiani, p. 105).

His hand was recognized by Jeroen De Keyser in other manuscripts of the humanist’s works: Milan, Biblioteca Trivulziana, mss. Triv. 797 and 800; Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 53.10; Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Lat. qu. 563; Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A 209 inf.; BAV, Vat. lat. 1790, in part (ff. 1r-2r), Urb. lat. 701 and 1182 (see De Keyser, Traduzioni da Senofonte e Plutarco, pp. XXXVIII-XXXIX; Id., I codici filelfiani, pp. 103-105 and nt. 27).

DE KEYSER, Traduzioni da Senofonte e Plutarco, pp. XXXVIII-XXXIX; ID., I codici filelfiani, pp. 103-105 and nt. 27.

Urb. lat. 410, ff. 1r, 207r

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