A scribe who, according to the extant accounts, lived in Padua between 1489 and 1496 and was an active employee of Pietro Barozzi, bishop of the city from 1487 onward (payments for the copying of codices for the Barozzi family appear in the registers of the bishop’s mensa). De Salla was invested with the profit of the church of S. Stefano di Carpanedo, near Padua, from 1462 to 1505 (year of his death).
The writing that may perhaps be traced back to him include: the abbreviation that appears in Urb. lat. 264 on f. 196v («P. Ant. Sal.») as well as the initials «P.A.S.» written at the bottom of the manuscripts Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, ms. D 17 inf. (f. 63v) and Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, ms. 540 (f. 202v), both written in cursive Humanist script (for the attribution of the three codices to the hand of Pietro Antonio Sallando, see the relative entry). His hand is then identifiable in over fifteen other codices, both in antiqua and in cursive; it is also more certainly found in a manuscript (Padua, Biblioteca Capitolare, ms. E 4) copied for Bishop Barozzi, for whom there is a document of payment in his name, dated 1490.
MONTOBBIO, Miniatori, “scriptores”, pp. 131-134, 178-179; NUVOLONI, Pier Antonio Sallando, pp. 169-174; DAL SANTO, Miniatori e “scriptores”, p. 583; FIASCHI, Una copia di tipografia finora sconosciuta, p. 267; ARFANOTTI, Scheda nr. 53, p. 373; BERNARDINELLO, Catalogo dei codici, pp. 727-729.
Urb. lat. 264, ff. 1r, 196v
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